I spent yesterday calculating how many weeks there were until the writer's conference I usually attend. About 16. I estimate needing 5-10 chapters to finish my book. I don't really know how to estimate that but I am aiming for that.
I decided to ask some friends to read my work in progress so I would have completed the rough draft, my first edits, and edits based on initial reader response before the conference. At least that's my goal.
After sending out the first two chapters to five people (or 9, depending on how many spouses also read), I received one response so far, but I can already tell it's going to keep me honest. Honest about how much I actually write and edit each day, that is. Of course I am further procrastinating by writing this, but thinking about writing is an important part of the process as well.
Or at least I made that up and it sounds good.
But now I have an audience, a small one, but one that I feel obligated to keep up my end of the bargain with. If I'm going to ask these people to take their time to read and provide feedback, I'd better keep writing this book. And I'd better incorporate their criticisms into my editing.
Sometimes I just need to hear someone else say "That part is unnecessary," before I'm willing to excise it. I may know it probably needs to go, but maybe I'm fond of it. Or maybe I left it in to remind myself, more than the reader, of where I've been. An editor might have told me to remove it, but somehow I'm more resistant to their comments at first. I have to live with them for awhile. Having my reading team repeat them, though, tells me it is time to cut.
So thank you, reading team. I'll try to surpass your expectations.