March seems to be the month I should celebrate the new year. January is supposed to be the time of resolutions and life change, but for me, it seems like March is most often the month that changes happen or I resolve to do something differently. Maybe that is because spring comes, and my mood lifts.
This March, I have been thinking a lot about what I want to accomplish with my writing and when. Today I decided that in the next twelve months I want to complete my novel, revise it, and publish it. I might choose to publish independently, in which case the “publish” part of my resolution could indeed occur in that time frame, or I might choose to pursue a traditional publisher, in which case the “publish” part might only mean that I am under contract to be published. These things take time to go from contract to bookshelf, I know.
I also decided today to begin my Facebook author page. I don't have a lot to fill it with yet, but I can start building my contacts for when my book is available. The page also provides me with motivation as I polish my manuscript. Having publicly declared that I am an author, I now have to follow through.
Part of my plan to build my brand, as it were, is to finally do something with this blog. Each week I want to share my experiences with writing, or random musings, or maybe just my opinions on books and films that I've read or seen. I hope you'll join me for the conversation.